Industrial Training centre of Estate Nirman Nigam Opening Shortly

Estate Nirman Nigam is Going to Open Industrial Training centre in all Sub Division of Bihar

Estate Nirman Nigam has been working on Ground for Opening Industrial Training centre in all major Subdivision of Bihar and project major preparation has been completed and it’s likely to open in the month of September 2024.

Estate Nirman Nigam
Estate Nirman Nigam
      Estate Nirman Nigam Industrial Training centre will play major changes in Quality Technical Education and training in youth for quality technical knowledge with work experience with the modern  edge of the technology world  of education for creating a specialist in the field of Construction world.
Estate Nirman Nigam
Estate Nirman Nigam

As we know that Estate Nirman Nigam is a well known Autonomous Organisation and working in the field of building construction and maintenance from a long time in all major Districts of India and Estate Nirman Nigam Industrial Training centre Programme will help full to younger generation for become successful with specialization in the field of building construction with modern Precast technology.

Really Estate Nirman Nigam Industrial Training centre Programme will help full to all the younger generation of India

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